Wednesday Movie Matinee
December 17 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday Movie Matinee, SJC Republican Headquarters, 3149 N Ponce de Leon Blvd, St Augustine 32084
Please join me on the third Wednesday of the month from 2-4pm for a politically based movie matinee. In an effort to stay connected throughout the year and between election cycles, I hope you will take me up on this offer of movie matinee time together as a way to build on our relationships and connections as the St Johns County MAGA family. Please be sure to sign up so I will know who and how many are coming. Movie title is TBD. While $5 donations aren’t required, we appreciate any you can give to keep this office open.
Thank you, Theresa Davis 508-325-2894 volunteerneflorida@yahoo.com